
Analyzing Charts & Graphs

Kira Lyell
March 29, 2017
Technical Writing
Word Count: 360
            Many people tend to believe that video game violence has an influence on violent crime, but I would have to disagree with this. Everyone wants to point fingers and blame a game, rather than find the real issue at hand. I personally  While doing some research on this topic, I found this chart below. This chart was created from a study that was done by the University of Oxford.

            This is a graph that was created to show that whenever video game revenue increases, the number of violent crimes decrease. In the years 2004 – 2006, that is not the case. This is a simple graph that only shows two things, which is exactly what they wanted it to show. They wanted to show that there was no relationship between violent crimes and video games. I personally feel like there was some information missing in the graph above that could strength their argument.
            I believe that there should also be a line showing the revenue received from video games that had violent content. This should be included so people could see that not all video games that are profited from are violent. I also feel as though there should be bars to show not only the numbers of violent crimes committed, but the number of violent crimes committed by the younger audience that video games are aimed at. This would show that the number of crimes committed by the younger audience do no increase the revenue of the video games. It is also very hard to understand this graph completely. Also, why did the statistics change in 2004 – 2006? Maybe there was a drop in the sales of video games due to insufficient product for the consumers.
            This is a very informative graph that holds a lot of information, and it showed exactly what they wanted it to show. I do think that some changes should be made. If they were to make the simple changes that I made above, then their argument would be stronger.

Work Cited

"Posts about Grand Theft Auto V on Press Start to Begin." Press Start to Begin. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2017,

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