
Sample Proposals

Image result for food clip artBelow is the proposal I created for my technical writing class.

March 1, 2017

Florida Gateway College
149 SE College Pl
Lake City, Florida 32025

RE: Food Service on Florida Gateway’s Campus

Dear Professors at Florida Gateway;

            My name is Kira Lyell and I am a student at Florida Gateway. I am hoping to show you how adding a restaurant or coffee shop on campus can improve the FGC experience. Bringing this type of business to FGC can be very beneficial. Students and teachers would have a wider variety of options that save people money and it will create a more positive environment for everyone.
            Adding a restaurant or coffee shop to the FGC campus would be a wise investment. The students and staff would have more options than just the Gateway Grill. They would not have to stop at a Starbucks for breakfast or leave campus to pick up lunch. This would also help people save money, because they are not spending so much on gas going back and forth from the college to town. Students and staff would also be able to multitask on their lunch breaks if they needed to.
            If the restaurant or coffee house had healthy options for meals, then the attitude of everyone on campus could be affected. Improve nutrition creates improved behavior. Processed foods can slow people down and make them feel tired and sluggish. But, if there was a nearby location that offered healthy food for all meals, then more students and staff would begin to eat better.
            Adding a restaurant on campus would be very expensive. You need approximately $750,000 to start a McDonalds or Taco Bell. Even though this is a very high price, I do believe the money that the restaurant brings into the school will outweigh the cost of building. For example, Chick-fil-A made an average of $3.18 million per store in 2012. The restraint on campus may not make $3.18 million, but I think that is promising enough to prove that the business would outweigh the cost of building.
            I know that building a restaurant or coffee shop on the Florida Gateway campus would have a very positive impact. Students and staff will have access to a wider variety of options as well as an opportunity to eat healthier. I hope you review my offer and see all the good that can come thus. If you need any additional information, feel free to contact me by email at

Thank you,
Kira Lyell
ENC 1210

Work Cited

Peterson, Hayley. "Here's How Much It Costs To Open Different Fast Food Franchises In The US." Business Insider. Business Insider, 04 Nov. 2014., Web. 02 Mar. 2017.

"Processed foods: How do they affect your body?" Whole Life Nutrition®. N.p., 28 Jan. 2015., Web. 02 Mar. 2017.

Tice, Carol. "7 Fast-Food Restaurant Chains That Rake In $2M Per Store." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 20 Sept. 2015.,  Web. 06 Mar. 2017.

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